How clean is your wipe?

A few months after I had my second son I started having A LOT of skin issues.

Now, if you grew up around me, you'd know that that isn't totally unusual. I've had some skin issues most of my life. Nothing severe most the time, but annoying enough I'd been to a few doctors and gave up because it's hardly ever improved, and they had no other solutions for me. I just realized: my skin is sensitive. And with sensitive skin I need to be aware and careful of what I let my skin touch.

This isn't an idea I hope you wait till you have skin issues to discover that you need to be alert to what touches your skin. Why? Because your skin is a powerful organ that soaks in whatever you've put on in within 26 seconds!

After I had Elijah, my immune system was down, and my skin issues shot up. Where? Unfortunately in my groin area. Fun right? Not at all. My skin was itchy, inflamed, and some days all I could do was sit still to not aggravate things. When you have issues like this, you tend not to talk about them. But, it's time for me to share a bit of what I learned!

Having what I thought was an awfully toxin free home, I was so frustrated I couldn't figure out what was the issues. And then I started researching...

And did you know that there are a bajillion things that use formaldehyde as a component in the product touching your skin? And did you know that formaldehyde can be a huge irritant to your skin (and other parts of your body)?

It can be found in cosmetics, medical supplies, wood, etc. and...TOILET PAPER!! The one product I used daily, multiple times a day, and never thought to see if it was part of the problem. Wouldn't you know, it was. To this day, if I use a more toxic toilet paper, I can tell almost immediately.

Check out some more on this and what I've started doing!

Happy wiping friends!


First Foods…Postpartum!


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